Thursday, September 14, 2006

TJIF - Thank God Its Friday
--> Just learned it today

School was quite okay today. And i repeat, quite

Took my height and weight today.
height : 162cm {thanks to barnabus, i "grew" 2 cm}
weight : 48kg - wtf! this is the heaviest i ever weighed. i was like 46 last term!}

Me Huiqing XianJin and Jereme played badminton. Quite fun although after many months not playing my skills grew rusty. Haaa. But XianJin is quite pro, i admit. But Jereme play one laa. He anyhow play one. rahh!!

After school/remedial, Me & Huiqing went to Dover. Huiqing wanted to find isaac as Isaac is sending Huiqing home. So sweet hurr. But he was like so defending of Huiqing. Conversation went like this

-ball keep hitting me-
Huiqing ; Wah. Today you unlucky ah ball keep hitting you
Me ; Yahh lah. Stupid ball
Isaac ; Hit you never mind. Dun hit Huiqing can already

Stupid right. Haaa want defend Huiqing no need to be so bad to me right. RAHHH he's just biased

Went back around Five-plus. When Isaac Nicholas and Huiqing bus came, Nicholas said bye. And so i said bye But Isaac also said bye But i was looking at Nicholas?

So sorry Isaac didn't mean to dao you.

After that, i started thinking of that day when i saw Frederick Chong at Hian Ling. Hoped i said hello/bye. I think he will say back too and we won't be so cold to each other. Or maybe he sees me as "the-ugly-freak-who-likes-people-whom-she-knows-for-1-month" Duno also. If i get a chance to see him again, i would say Hi for sure.

I'm starting to have lesser confidence of myself. If you get what i mean. Well I duno what's happening but its just a sudden thing you know.


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